Please Give My Passport – 1 – Tamil Kamaveri(Tamil New Sex Stories - Please Give My Passport - 1)

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Tamil New Sex Stories – Hi i am roshan. 22 years of age residing from a poor village and i am the first graduate of my village. So i had to go to foreign country for my bright future hence i applied for passport .as soon as i applied for passport i got interview from passport seva Kendra i attended it in well mannered and they forward my application towards police enquiry. Which was my nearest police station.

(நீங்களும் உங்கள் கதையை எங்களுடன் பகிருந்து கொள்ளுங்கள் . எங்கள் தளத்தில் பதிவு(Register)செய்து உங்கள் கதையை எழுதவும்) . தயவு செய்து பெரிய கதையாக எழுதவும் . கதையை இங்கும் அனுப்பலாம் : [email protected]

இந்த கதையை எழுதியவர் : rules fighter




One day i got a call from police station that i have to come to police station immedietly. So i rush up towards police station taking my fathers tvs 50 . when i reached police station i was very nervous that one police man called me and asked that what for you came here i told him that i have passport police enquiry.

He said me to wait in station and called the passport incharge and that was a lady police he called her name as ANITA . she came towards me and enquired about me and gave me a form asked for reference from village persons that i am clean in my personality .and take a certificate from VAO that i reside in this village only. And she also told me to take rs 700 as processing charge i already knew that was a bribe but i said ok .

I took all the required forms she asked went to police station that day i forgot take money and i gave the documents. Then she asked for money oh no i forgot to bring the money. I asked escuse from her she was so adamant she took me to her higher official that too was a female officer . she was ASP of the city her name was latha she enquired about me and said her to take me in the jeep. She did as she said i was nervous then latha mam came took jeep and take me with her i was in my ultimate fear.

When she stoped the jeep it was quaters where she was living she took me with her to her house and i was surprised that constable anita was there already . i was in total confusion then she said if you wnt your passport you need to do what we say.i was still nervous.

Wait till my continuation………………… Passport Officeyil Okkum Tamil New Sex Stories


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